| |
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | ИМ |
ACM Transactions on Database Systems | ИМ |
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | ИМ |
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems | ИМ |
AIAA Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
APMIS (Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica) | ЛК, МФШ |
Abacus | ИМ |
Accounts of Chemical Research | ЛК |
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae | ИМ |
Acta Archaeologica | ЦБ |
Acta Biochimica Polonica | ЛК |
Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Hungarica | ЛК |
Acta Biologica Debrecina | ЛК |
Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica | ЛК |
Acta Biotechnologica | ЛК |
Acta Cardiologica | ЛК |
Acta Chemica Scandinavica | ЛК |
Acta Chemica Scandinavica. Ser. A. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry | ЛК |
Acta Chemica Scandinavica. Ser. B. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry | ЛК |
Acta Chimica Hungarica | ЛК |
Acta Chimica Slovenica | ЛК |
Acta Crystallographica. Ser. A | ЛК |
Acta Crystallographica. Ser. B | ЛК |
Acta Crystallographica. Ser. C | ЛК |
Acta Electronica | ИМ |
Acta Ethnographica | ЦБ |
Acta Geologica Hungarica | ЦБ |
Acta Geologica Polonica | ЦБ |
Acta Haemotologica | ЛК |
Acta Historiae atrium | ЦБ |
Acta Historica | ЦБ |
Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica | ЛК |
Acta Hydrophysica | ЦБ |
Acta Informatica | ИМ |
Acta Linguistica Hungarica | ЦБ |
Acta Mathematica | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Hungarica | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Scientia (Quarterly) | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Scientia. Ser. B | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica | ИМ |
Acta Mathematica Zeitschrift Journal | ИМ |
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica | ЦБ |
Acta Mechanica Sinica | ЦБ |
Acta Medica Bulgarica | ЦБ |
Acta Medica Hungarica | ЦБ |
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia | ЦБ |
Acta Microbiologica Polonica | ЛК |
Acta Oecologica | ЦБ |
Acta Orientalia | ЦБ |
Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica | ЛК |
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica | ЦБ |
Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica | ЛК |
Acta Pharmacologia et Toxicologica | ЦБ |
Acta Physica et Chemica | ЛК |
Acta Phytopathologica | ЛК |
Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica | ЛК |
Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica | ЛК |
Acta Polymerica | ЛК |
Acta archaeological Acad. scientiarum hungaricae | ЦБ |
Acta et Studia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | ЦБ |
Acta histochemica | ЛК |
Advance ACS Abstracts | ЛК |
Advanced Battery Technology | ЛК, МФШ |
Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Advances in Applied Mathematics | ИМ, МФШ |
Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology | ЛК, МФШ |
Advances in Ecological Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Advances in Mathematics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Advances in Physics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Advances in Polymer Technology | ЛК, МФШ |
Agents and Actions | ЛК, МФШ |
Agrar Praxis | ЛК, МФШ |
Agricultural Science in Finland | ЛК |
Agricultural Senetics Reports | ЛК, МФШ |
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Agrochimica | ЛК |
Agronomie | ЛК |
Algebra Universalis | ИМ |
Algorithmica | ЦБ, МФШ |
Amenagement et Nature | ЛК, МФШ |
American Anthropologist | ЦБ |
American Antiquity | ЦБ |
American Association of Petroleum Geologists | ЦБ |
American Biotechnology Laboratory | ЛК, МФШ |
American Chemical Society. Polymer Preprints | ЛК, МФШ |
American Data and Nuclear Data Tables | ИМ, МФШ |
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Archaeology | ЦБ |
American Journal of Botany | ЛК |
American Journal of Cardiology | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Clinical Oncology | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Clinical Pathology | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Diseases of children | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Hematology | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Human Genetics | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
American Journal of Medical Genetics | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Medical Sciences | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Medicine | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Pathology | ЛК, МФШ |
American Journal of Physics | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
American Journal of Physiology | ЛК |
American Journal of Science | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
American Mineralogist | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
American Naturalist | ЛК, часть МФШ |
American Scientist | ЦБ, МФШ |
Analusis | ЛК, МФШ |
Analysis Mathematica | ИМ |
Analytica Chimica Acta | ЛК |
Analytica Chimica Acta Computer Techniques and Optimization | ЛК |
Analytical Abstracts | ЛК |
Analytical Biochemistry | ЛК |
Analytical Chemistry | ЛК |
Analytical Instrumentation | ЛК, МФШ |
Analytical Letters A | ЛК, МФШ |
Analytical Sciences | ЛК, МФШ |
Analytische Chemie | ЛК |
Anesthesia and analgesia | ЛК, МФШ |
Angewandte Chemie | ЛК |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition | ЛК |
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English. Supplement | ЛК |
Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie | ЦБ |
Annales Agriculturae Fenniae | ЛК |
Annales Botanici Fennici | ЛК |
Annales D`Histochimie | ЛК |
Annales D`Immunologie | ЛК |
Annales agronomiques | ЛК |
Annales de Chemie | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Annales de Genetique | ЛК |
Annales de Genetiques et de Selection Animale | ЛК, МФШ |
Annales de L`Institut Fourier | ИМ |
Annales de L`Institut Henri Poincare | ИМ |
Annales de L`Institut Pasteur Microbiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Annales de Microbiologie. Ser. A | ЛК |
Annales de Microbiologie. Ser. B | ЛК |
Annales de Physique | ИМ, МФШ |
Annales de Technologie Agricole | ЛК |
Annales de Telecommunications | ЦБ, МФШ |
Annales de Zootechnie | ЛК |
Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique | ЦБ |
Annali di Chimica | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Annali di Geofisica | ЦБ |
Annali di Microbiologia ed Enzimologia | ЛК |
Annals de Chemie | ЛК, МФШ |
Annals of Applied Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Annals of Botany | ЛК, МФШ |
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry | ИМ |
Annals of Human Genetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Annals of Mathematics | ИМ |
Annals of Microbiology | ЛК |
Annals of Physics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Annals of Probability | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Annals of Statistics | ЦБ, МФШ |
Annals of the Entomological Society of America | ЛК, МФШ |
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | ЛК |
Anthropologial Közlemenyek | ЦБ |
Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials | ЛК, МФШ |
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | ЛК, МФШ |
Anzeiger fur Schädlingskunde Pflanzenschutz und Umweltschutz | ЛК, МФШ |
Apidologie | ЦБ |
Aplikace Matematiky | ИМ |
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | ЦБ, МФШ |
Applied Catalysis | ЛК, МФШ |
Applied Entomology and Zoology | ЛК, МФШ |
Applied Mathematics and Computation | ИМ, МФШ |
Applied Mathematics and Optimization | ИМ, МФШ |
Applied Microbiology | ЛК |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | ЛК, МФШ |
Applied Optics | ИМ, МФШ |
Applied Physics Letters | ЦБ |
Applied Physics. A | ИМ, МФШ |
Applied Physics. B | ИМ, МФШ |
Applied Spectroscopy | ЛК |
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | ЛК |
Aquatic Toxicology | ЛК |
Archaeologiai Ertesito | ЦБ |
Archeologia Polski | ЦБ |
Archiv Orientalni | ЦБ |
Archiv fur Acker - und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde | ЛК |
Archiv fur Gartenbau | ЛК |
Archiv fur Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung | ЛК |
Archiv fur Phytopatologie und Pflanzenschutz | ЛК |
Archiv fur Züchtungsforschung | ЛК |
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | ИМ |
Archives D`Anatomie microscopique et de Morphologie Experimentale | ЛК |
Archives Roumaines de Pathologie experimentale et de microbiologie | ЛК |
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | ЛК |
Archives of Environmental Contamintion and Toxicology | ЛК |
Archives of Environmental Health | ЛК |
Archives of Mechanics | ИМ |
Archives of Microbiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Archives of Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Archives of Virology | ЛК, МФШ |
Archives of mechanics | ИМ |
Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae experimentalis | ЛК |
Archivum Mathematicum | ИМ |
Archiwum Mineralogiczne | ЦБ |
Arkansas Farm Research | ЛК |
Arkiv for Matematik | ИМ |
Arkiv for Mineralogi och Geologi | ЦБ |
Asymptotic Analysis | ИМ |
Atherosclerosis | ЛК, МФШ |
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research | ЛК |
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences | ЛК |
Australian Journal of Chemistry | ЛК |
Australian Journal of Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Australian Journal of Plant Physiology | ЛК |
Australian Journal of Soil Research | ЛК |
| |
Beiträge fur die Forstwirtschaft | ЛК |
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Berichte der Deutsche Geselschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften. Reihe A | ЦБ |
Berichte der Deutsche Geselschaft für Geologische Wissenschaften. Reihe B | ЦБ |
Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Geselschaft | ЛК |
Biochemical Genetics | ЛК |
Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochemical Pharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochemical Society Transactions | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen | ЛК |
Biochemische Zeitschrift | ЦБ |
Biochemisches Centralblatt | ЦБ |
Biochemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochemistry International | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochemistry and Cell Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | ЛК |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Gene Structure Expression | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Lipids and Lipid Metabolism | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Protein Structure and Molecular enzymology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Reviews Bioenergetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Reviews Biomembranes | ЛК, МФШ |
Biochimie | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biologia | ЛК |
Biologia Plantarum | ЛК |
Biological Abstracts | ЦБ |
Biological Abstracts (B.A.S.I.C.) | ЦБ |
Biological Conservation | ЦБ |
Biological Cybernetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Biological Reviews | ЦБ |
Biologicke Listy | ЛК |
Biologisches Zentralblatt | ЦБ |
Biologizace a Chemizace | ЛК |
Biology of Cell | ЛК, МФШ |
Bioloski vestnik | ЛК |
Biomedica Biochimica Acta | ЛК |
Biomedical Research | ЛК |
Biomedical Science | ЛК |
Biomedizinische Technik | ЛК |
Biometrical Journal | ЛК |
Biometrics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biometrika | ЛК, МФШ |
Biometrische Zeitschrift | ЦБ |
Bioorganic Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Biophysical Journal | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Biopolymers | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry | ЛК |
Bioscience Reports | ЛК, МФШ |
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry | ЛК |
Biotechniques | ЛК |
Biotechnology Advances | ЛК, МФШ |
Biotechnology Letters | ЛК, МФШ |
Biotechnology News | ЛК, МФШ |
Biotechnology Progress | ЛК, МФШ |
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Biotechnology and Applied Bioengineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Biotechnology, Biotechnological Eguipment | ЛК |
Blood | ЛК, МФШ |
Blood Cell | ЛК, МФШ |
Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana | ИМ |
Bolletino del Servizio Geologico D`Italia | ЦБ |
Bolletino della Unione Matematica Italiana | ИМ |
Botanical Review | ЛК, МФШ |
Brain | ЛК, МФШ |
Brain Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Brain Research Review | ЛК, МФШ |
British Corrosion Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
British Journal of Applied Physics | ЦБ |
British Journal of Cancer | ЛК, МФШ |
British Journal of Haematology | ЛК, МФШ |
British Journal of Pharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
British Plastics and Rubber | ЛК, МФШ |
British Polymer Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
Brittonia Journal of Systematic Botany | ЛК |
Bulgarian Chemical Communications | ЛК |
Bulletin de L`Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Ser. Chimiques | ЛК |
Bulletin de L`Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Ser. Mathematics | ИМ |
Bulletin de Mineralogie | ЦБ |
Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France | ЛК |
Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France. Ser. Actualites Botaniques | ЛК |
Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France. Ser. Lettres Botaniques | ЛК |
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France | ЛК |
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie | ЦБ |
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France | ЦБ |
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de Belgique | ИМ |
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de Belgique. Ser. A | ИМ |
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de Belgique. Ser. B | ИМ |
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France | ИМ |
Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques Gembloux | ЛК |
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques | ИМ, МФШ |
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | ЛК |
Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance | ЛК, МФШ |
Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists | ЦБ |
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Bulletin of the American Physical Society | ИМ |
Bulletin of the British Micological Society | ЛК |
Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences | ЦБ |
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan | ЛК |
Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America | ЛК |
Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research Kyoto University | ЛК |
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Bulletin of the Mathematical Biology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Biological Sciences | ЛК |
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Chemistry | ЛК |
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics | ИМ |
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | ЦБ |
Business America | ЛК, МФШ |
Byte | ИМ, МФШ |
| |
CIM Bulletin | ЛК, МФШ |
CNRS (Centre National de la Rech Sci) | ЛК |
California Geology | ЦБ |
Canadian Journal of Biochemistry | ЛК |
Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Botany | ЛК, МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Chemistry | ЛК |
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences | ЦБ |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology | ЛК, МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Mathematics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Microbiology | ЛК |
Canadian Journal of Physics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Plant Science | ЛК |
Canadian Journal of Plant Science | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | ЛК |
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin | ИМ |
Cancer | ЛК, МФШ |
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy | ЛК, МФШ |
Cancer Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Candollea | ЛК |
Carbohydrate Research | ЛК |
Carbohydrate Polymers | ЛК |
Carbohydrate Research | ЛК |
Carbon | ЛК, МФШ |
Carcinogenesis | ЛК, МФШ |
Cardiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii | ЦБ |
Catalysis Reviews | ЛК |
Cell | ЛК |
Cell Biology International Reports | ЛК, МФШ |
Cell Proliferation | ЛК |
Cell Research | ЛК |
Cell and Tissue Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Cellular Immunology | ЛК, МФШ |
Cellular and Molecular Biology | ЛК |
Cereal Chemistry | ЛК |
Ceskoslovenska Epidemiologie, Microbiologie, Immunologie | ЛК |
Chemia Analyticzna | ЛК |
Chemica Scripta | ЛК |
Chemica Techno Acta | ЛК |
Chemical Abstracts | ЦБ |
Chemical Communications | ЛК |
Chemical Engineer | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Engineering | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Chemical Engineering Communications | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Engineering Journal and Biochemical. Engineering Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Engineering Progress | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Chemical Engineering Research and Design | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Engineering Science | ЛК |
Chemical Engineering and Processing | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Geology | ЦБ |
Chemical Physics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Chemical Physics Letters | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Chemical Processing | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Research Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemical Reviews | ЛК |
Chemical Society Reviews | ЛК |
Chemical Titles | ЦБ |
Chemical Week | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemicer – Zeitung | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemicke Lasty | ЛК |
Chemicke Zvesti | ЛК |
Chemie Kunststoffe Aktuel | ЦБ |
Chemie der Erde | ЦБ |
Chemie for Labor und Biotechnik | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemie fur Labor und Betrieb | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemie – Technic | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemische Berichte | ЛК |
Chemische Gesellschaft der DDR | ЛК |
Chemische Industrie | ЛК |
Chemische Technik | ЛК |
Chemisches Zentralblatt | ЦБ |
Chemistry | ЛК |
Chemistry International | ЛК |
Chemistry Letters | ЛК |
Chemistry Reviews | ЛК |
Chemistry and Industry | ЛК |
Chemistry in Britain | ЛК, МФШ |
Chemistry in Canada | ЦБ |
Chemtech | ЛК |
Chimia | ЛК, МФШ |
Chimica Techno Acta | ЛК |
Chinese Journal of Chemistry | ЦБ |
Chinese Jornal of Polymer Science | ЛК |
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | ЦБ |
Chromatographia | ЛК, МФШ |
Chromosoma | ЛК |
Chronique de la Recherce miniere | ЦБ |
Circulation | ЛК |
Classical and Quantum Gravity | ИМ |
Clinica Chimica Acta | ЛК, МФШ |
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology | ЛК, МФШ |
Clinical and Experimental Immunology | ЛК, МФШ |
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Collectanea Mathematica | ИМ |
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications | ЛК |
Colloid and Polymer Science | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Colloquium Mathematicum | ИМ |
Combustion Science and Technology | ЛК |
Combustion and Flame | ЛК, МФШ |
Commentarii Mathematical Helvetici | ИМ |
Commentationes Mathematical. Ser.1 Prace matematyczna | ИМ |
Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics | ЦБ |
Comments on Modern Physics. Part B | ИМ, МФШ |
Comments on Modern Physics. Part D | ИМ, МФШ |
Comments on Modern Physics. Part E | ИМ, МФШ |
Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics. Part A | ИМ, МФШ |
Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Part E | ИМ |
Comments on Solid State Physics. Part B | ИМ |
Communications in Mathematical Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Communications of ACM | ИМ, МФШ |
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics | ИМ |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A | ЛК, МФШ |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B | ЛК, МФШ |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C | ЛК, МФШ |
Compex variables | ИМ |
Composites | ИМ, МФШ |
Compte Rendu Sommaire des Seances de la Societe Geologique de Franze | ЦБ |
Compte Rendu des Seances de la Societe de Physique et d`Histoire Naturelle de Geneve | ЛК |
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de L`Academie des Sciences. Ser. A, B | ИМ |
Comptes Rendus de L`Academie des Sciences. S. Mathematique | ИМ |
Comptes Rendus de L`Academie des Sciences. S. Mecanique, Physique | ИМ |
Comptes Rendus des Seances de L`Academie Science Franze. Ser. C | ИМ |
Computer Aided Design | ЛК, МФШ |
Computer Bulletin. Ser. 3 | ИМ, МФШ |
Computer Communication Review | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computer Communications | ИМ, МФШ |
Computer Networks and Isdn Systems | ИМ, МФШ |
Computer Physics Communications | ИМ, МФШ |
Computer Physics Reports | ИМ, МФШ |
Computer Systems | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computer Users Year Book | ИМ, МФШ |
Computer Vision, Graphics and image processing | ИМ, МФШ |
Computers and Biomedical Research | ЛК |
Computers and Chemical Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Computers and Education | ИМ, МФШ |
Computers and Fluids | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computers and Geosciences | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computers and Graphics | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computers and Operations Research | ИМ, МФШ |
Computers in Education | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computers in Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Computing | ЦБ, МФШ |
Computing Surveys of the ASM | ИМ, МФШ |
Contemporary Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Contributions | to Mineralogy and Petrology, ЦБ |
Coordination Chemistry Reviews | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Cryogenics | ЛК, МФШ |
Crystal Research and Technology | ЛК |
Current Advances Plant Science | ЛК |
Current Authropology | ЦБ |
Current Contents Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences | ЛК |
Current Contents Life Sciences | ЛК |
Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences | ЛК |
Current Mathematical Publications | ИМ |
Current Opinion in Immunology | ЛК |
Current Science | ЦБ, МФШ |
Cytobiologie | ЛК |
Cytobios | ЛК |
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
| |
DNA and Cell Biology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Data Base | ЦБ, МФШ |
Data Report-Informations uber Datentechnic | ЦБ, МФШ |
Data and knowledge and engineering | ИМ, МФШ |
Datamation | ИМ |
Deep-Sea Research. Pt. A | ЦБ, МФШ |
Deep-Sea Research. Pt. B | ЦБ, МФШ |
Demografia | ЦБ |
Demografie | ЦБ |
Demonstratio Mathematica | ИМ |
Demos | ЦБ |
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift | ЛК |
Developmental Biology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Developmental Brain Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Die Bodenkultur | ЛК |
Die Macromoleculare Chemie | ЛК |
Die Macromoleculare Chemie. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Die Phosphorsäure | ЦБ |
Differentiation | ИМ |
Drug Metabolism and disposition: Biol. Fate Chem. | ЛК, МФШ |
Drugs | ЛК, МФШ |
Drugs of the Future | ЛК |
Duke Mathematical Jurnal | ИМ |
Dədə qorgud | ЦБ |
| |
ECS Electrochemistry Letters | ЛК |
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology | ЦБ |
ECS Solid State Letters | ЦБ |
EMBO Report | ЛК |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | ЦБ МФШ |
Earth, Moon and Planets | ЦБ МФШ |
Earth-Science Reviews | ЦБ МФШ |
East and West | ЦБ |
Eastern European Economics | ЦБ |
Ecological Entomology | ЛК, МФШ |
Ecological Modelling | ЦБ |
Ecology | ЦБ |
Econometrica | ЦБ |
Economic Design | ЦБ |
Economic Geography | ЦБ |
Economic Geology | ЦБ |
Economic computation and economic cybernetics Studies and Research | ЦБ |
Edinburgh Journal of Botany | ЛК |
Ekologia | ЦБ |
Elastomerics | ЦБ МФШ |
Electrical World | ЛК, МФШ |
Electrochimica Acta | ЛК |
Electronics and Wireless World | ИМ |
Electronik | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Endocrinology | ЛК, МФШ |
Endoscopy | ЛК, МФШ |
Energy World | ЦБ МФШ |
Engineering with Computers | ИМ МФШ |
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata | ЛК, МФШ |
Environment | ЛК, МФШ |
Environmental Entomology | ЛК, МФШ |
Environmental Geology | ЦБ МФШ |
Environmental Research | ЦБ МФШ |
Environmental Science and Technology | ЛК, МФШ |
Environmental and Experimental Botany | ЛК, МФШ |
Erdöl und Kohle | ЦБ МФШ |
Ethnographia | ЦБ |
Ethnographisch – Archaeologische Zeitschrift | ЦБ |
Ethnologia Europaea | ЦБ |
Ethnology and International Journal of Cultural and Social Anthropology | ЦБ |
Eurasia Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
Europa Chemie | ЛК |
European Chemical News | ЛК, МФШ |
European Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | ЛК, МФШ |
European Journal of Archaeology | ЦБ |
European Journal of Biochemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
European Journal of Immunology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | ЛК |
European Journal of Pharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
European Mathematical Newsletter | ИМ |
European Plastics News | ЛК |
European Polymer Journal | ЛК |
European Rubber Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
Europhysics Letters | ЦБ, МФШ |
Experientia | ЛК, МФШ |
Experimental Brain Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Experimental Cell Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Experimental Cell Research | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Experimental and Molecular Pathology | ЛК, МФШ |
Experimentelle Technik der Physik | ИМ |
Expert Systems | ЦБ, МФШ |
| |
Farm Chemical | ЛК, МФШ |
Febs Letters | ЛК |
Feddes Repertorium | ЦБ |
Feingeratetechnik | ЦБ, МФШ |
Filologiai Kozlony | ЦБ |
Filtration and Scparation | ЛК, МФШ |
Finnisch Ugrische Forschungen | ЦБ |
Finnish Chemical Letters | ЛК |
Folia Biologica | ЛК |
Folia Entomologica Hungarica | ЛК |
Folia Geobotanica | ЛК |
Folia Geobotanica Phytotaxonomica | ЛК |
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica | ЛК |
Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica | ЛК |
Folia Microbiologica | ЛК |
Forest Industries | ЛК, МФШ |
Forest Products Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
Fortschritte der Mathematik | ЦБ |
Fortschritte der Mineralogie | ЦБ |
Forum Mathematicum | ИМ |
Foundation of Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Fragmenta Entomologica | ЛК |
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica | ЦБ |
Fresenius Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie | ЛК, МФШ |
Fuel | ЛК, МФШ |
Fulture Generation Computer Systems | ЦБ, МФШ |
Fundamenta Mathematicae | ИМ |
Földtani Közlony | ЦБ |
| |
GANN (Japan Journal of Cancer Research) | ЛК, МФШ |
Gastroenterology | ЛК, МФШ |
Gazeta Mathematica | ИМ |
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana | ЛК |
Gems and Minerals | ЦБ |
Gene | ЛК |
General Physiology and Biophysics | ЛК |
Genes and Development | ЛК |
Genetica | ЛК, МФШ |
Genetica Polonica | ЛК |
Genetica a šlechteni | ЛК |
Genetical Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Genetics | ЛК |
Genetics and Breeding | ЛК |
Genetique Selection Evolution | ЛК, МФШ |
Genome | ЛК |
Geochemical Journal | ЦБ, МФШ |
Geochronique | ЦБ |
Geoderma | ЛК |
Geodrilling | ЦБ, МФШ |
Geoexploration | ЦБ, МФШ |
Geologica Carpathica | ЦБ |
Geologica Carpathica Clays | ЦБ |
Geological Abstracts | ЦБ |
Geological Journal | ЦБ |
Geological Magazine | ЦБ |
Geological Newsletter | ЦБ |
Geological Society of America Bulletin | ЦБ |
Geologicky Zbornik | ЦБ |
Geologie | ЦБ |
Geologie de la France | ЦБ |
Geologische Rundshau | ЦБ |
Geologiska Föreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar | ЦБ |
Geology | ЦБ |
Geophysica | ЦБ |
Geophysical Prospecting | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Geophysical Research Letters | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Geophysics | ЦБ |
Geophysik und Geologie | ЦБ |
Geotechnique | ЦБ |
Geothermal Science and Technology | ЦБ |
Geotimes | ЦБ, МФШ |
Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik | ЦБ |
Glasgow Mathematical Journal | ИМ! |
Glasnik Matematicki | ИМ |
Grana. An International Journal of Palynology | ЦБ |
| |
Hayat Tarih | ЦБ |
Helvetica Chimica Acta | ЛК |
Helvetica Physica Acta | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Hereditas | ЛК, МФШ |
Heredity | ЛК |
Hesperia. Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens | ЦБ |
Heterocycles | ЛК, МФШ |
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
Hormones and Behavior | ИМ, МФШ |
Houston Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Human Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Human Genetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Human Immunology | ЛК, МФШ |
Hungarian Agricultural Research | ЛК |
Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry | ЛК |
Hydrocarbon Processing | ЛК, МФШ |
Hydrometallurgy | ЛК, МФШ |
| |
IBM Journal of Research and Development | ЦБ, МФШ |
IBM Nachrichten | ЦБ, МФШ |
IEE Proceedings E. | ИМ, МФШ |
IEE Proceedings F. Rodar and signal processing | ИМ, МФШ |
IEE Proceedings H. Microwaves, Antennas Propagation | ИМ, МФШ |
IEE Review | ЛК, МФШ |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | ИМ, МФШ |
IEEE Spectrum | ИМ, МФШ |
IEEE Transactions on Computers | ИМ, МФШ |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | ЦБ, МФШ |
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique | ИМ, МФШ |
IEEE Transactions on Software engineering | ЦБ, МФШ |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics | ИМ, МФШ |
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement | ИМ, МФШ |
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Illinois Journal of Mathematics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Immunobiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Immunochemistry | ЛК |
Immunogenetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Immunologia Polska | ЛК |
Immunology | ЛК, МФШ |
Immunopharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series | ИМ |
Indian Chemical Engineer | ЛК |
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | ЛК, МФШ |
Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | ЛК |
Indian Journal of Chemistry | ЛК |
Indian Journal of Chemistry. Part A | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Indian Journal of Chemistry. Ser. B | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology | ЛК |
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding | ЛК |
Indian Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Indian Journal of Microbiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Indian Journal of Plant Physiology | ЛК |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | ИМ |
Indian Journal of Technology | ЛК |
Indian University Mathematics Journal | ИМ |
Industrial Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry | ЛК |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research | ЛК |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Ser. Fundamentals | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Ser. Process Design and Development | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Ser. Product Research and Development | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Infection and Immunity | ЛК, МФШ |
Informatik – Spektrum | ЛК, МФШ |
Information Retrieval and Library Automation | ЦБ, МФШ |
Information and Computation | ЦБ, МФШ |
Informations Chimie | ЛК |
Infrared Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Inorganic Chemistry | ЛК |
Inorganica Chimica Acta | ЛК, МФШ |
Inorganica Chimica Acta Letters | ЛК |
Inorganica Chimica Acta. Bioinorganic Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Inorganica Chimica Acta. F-Block Elements | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Insect Biochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin | ИМ |
Integral Equations and Operator Theory | ИМ, МФШ |
Intelligent Instruments and Computers | ЦБ, МФШ |
International Chemical Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal Quantum Chemistry | ЛК |
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | ИМ |
International Journal of Biochemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
International Journal of Biological Markers | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal of Cancer | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
International Journal of Computer Mathematics | ИМ |
International Journal of Electronics | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Trauster | ЦБ |
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Wares | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes | ИМ, часть МФШ |
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | ИМ |
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences | ИМ |
International Journal of Modern Physics A | ИМ |
International Journal of Parallel Programming | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of Pharmaceuties | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal of Physical Society | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of Polymeric Materials | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal of Radiation Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal of Solids and Structures | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry | ЛК |
International Journal of Sulfur Chemistry incorporating phosphorus | ЛК |
International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology | ЛК, МФШ |
International Journal of Theoretical Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
International Journal of fracture | ИМ |
International Pest Control | ЛК, МФШ |
International Petrochemical Development | ЦБ, МФШ |
International Polymer Science and Technology | ЛК, МФШ |
International Review of Cytology | ЛК, МФШ |
Inventiones Mathematicae | ИМ |
Israel Journal of Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
| |
Jahvesbericht der Deutchen Mathematiker vereinigung | ЦБ |
Japan Chemical Week | ЛК, МФШ |
Japan Computer Quarterly | ЦБ |
Japan Pesticide Information | ЛК, МФШ |
Japan Plastics Age | ЛК, МФШ |
Japan and the World Economy | ЦБ |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | ЦБ |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Pt. 1 Regular Papers and Short Notes | ЦБ |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Pt. 2 Letters | ЦБ |
Japanese Journal of Cancer Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Japanese Journal of Crop Science | ЛК, МФШ |
Japanese Journal of Genetics | ЛК, МФШ |
Japanese Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Japanese Journal of Medicine | ЛК, МФШ |
Japanese Journal of Pharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chemie Biologie | ЛК |
Journal de Mathematiques Pures Appliquees | ИМ |
Journal de Mecanique | ИМ |
Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee | ИМ |
Journal de Microscopie et de Spectroscopie electroniques | ЦБ |
Journal de Physique | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Journal de Physique Letters | ЦБ |
Journal de Physique Sec.1 | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal de Radiologie | ЛК |
Journal für Praktische Chemie | ЛК |
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik | ИМ |
Journal of Acoustical Society of America | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Agricultural Entomology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Algebra | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Journal of Algorithms | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | ЛК |
Journal of Analytical Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Animal Ecology | ЛК |
Journal of Applied Biochimistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology | ЛК |
Journal of Applied Crystallography | ЦБ |
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Applied Mechanics | ЦБ |
Journal of Applied Physics | ЦБ |
Journal of Applied Physiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Applied Polymer Science | ЛК |
Journal of Applied Probability | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Applied Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Approximation Theory | ИМ |
Journal of Bacteriology | ЛК |
Journal of Basic Microbiology | ЛК |
Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods | ЛК |
Journal of Biochemistry | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Biological Chemistry | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Biotechnology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Catalysis | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Cell Science | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Cellular Physiology | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Cereal Science | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical Ecology | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical Education | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences | ЛК |
Journal of Chemical Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical Research S-Synopsis | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Chromatographic Science | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Chromatography | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Chromatography Biomedical Applications | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Clinical Oncology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Colloid and Molecular Structure | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser. A | ИМ |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser. B | ИМ |
Journal of Composite Materials | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Computational Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Computational Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Computer and System Sciences | ИМ, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Coordination Chemistry | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Coordination Chemistry. Sec.A | ЛК |
Journal of Coordination Chemistry. Sec.B | ЛК |
Journal of Crystal Growth | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Differential Eqyations | ИМ, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Differential Geometry | ИМ |
Journal of Ecology | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Elasticity | ЛК |
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Electron Microscopy | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Relation Phenomena | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Environmental Quality | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B | ЛК |
Journal of Environmental and Clinical Cancer Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Experimental Biology | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
Journal of Experimental Medicine | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics | ИМ |
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Food Science | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Forestry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Functional Analysis | ИМ, часть, МФШ |
Journal of General Virology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Geology | ЦБ |
Journal of Geology of the United Arab Republic | ЦБ |
Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity | ЦБ |
Journal of Geophysical Research | ЦБ |
Journal of Geophysical Research. Pt. A | ЦБ |
Journal of Geophysical Research. Pt. B | ЦБ |
Journal of Geophysical Research. Pt. C | ЦБ |
Journal of Graph Theory | ИМ |
Journal of Heredity | ЛК |
Journal of Heterocyclie Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Immunogenetics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Immunological Methods | ЛК |
Journal of Information Processing | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Insect Physiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Journal of Pla of the Earth | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Liquid Chromatography | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Low Temperature Physics | ИМ |
Journal of Luminescence | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Macromolecular Science Pure and Applied Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Macromolecular Science – Chemistry. Ser. A | ЛК |
Journal of Macromolecular Science – Chemistry. Ser. B | ЛК |
Journal of Macromolecular Science – Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry. Ser. C | ЛК |
Journal of Magnetic Resonance | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic materialis | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics | ЦБ |
Journal of Materials Science | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Journal of Mathematical Biology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Mathematical Economics | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Mathematical Physics | ИМ |
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. The University of Tokyo | ИМ |
Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics | ИМ |
Journal of Mathematics and Physics | ИМ |
Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University | ИМ |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Metamorphic Geology | ЦБ |
Journal of Microbiological Methods | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Microcomputer Applications | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Microscopy | ЦБ |
Journal of Molecular Biology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Molecular Catalysis | ЛК |
Journal of Molecular Evolution | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Molecular Graphic | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Molecular Liquids | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Molecular Structure | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Molecular Structure Theochem | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Multivariate Analysis | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of National Institute | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Natural Products | ЛК |
Journal of Neurochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Optical Society of America. A | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Optical Society of America. B | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Journal of Organic Chemistry Supplementary material | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Paleontology | ЦБ |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Perinatal Medicine | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Petroleum Geology | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | ЦБ |
Journal of Petroleum Technology | ЛК |
Journal of Petrology | ЦБ |
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology | ЛК |
Journal of Photochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. Pt. A. Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. Pt. B. Biology | ЛК |
Journal of Physical Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | ЛК |
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | ЛК |
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Physics Ser. A. | ИМ |
Journal of Physics Ser. B. | ЦБ |
Journal of Physics Ser. C. | ИМ |
Journal of Physics Ser. D. | ИМ |
Journal of Physics Ser. E. | ИМ |
Journal of Physics Ser. F. | ИМ |
Journal of Physics Ser. G. | ЦБ |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | ЦБ |
Journal of Phytopathology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Plant Physiology | ЛК |
Journal of Plant Science | ЛК |
Journal of Plasma Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Journal of Polymer Science | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Chemistry Edition | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Letters | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Letters Edition | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Physics Edition | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Symposia | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Ser. A-1. Polymer Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Ser. A-2. Polymer Physics | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Ser. A. General Papers | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Ser. Applied Polymer Symposia | ЛК |
Journal of Polymer Science. Ser. D. Macromolecular Reviews | ЛК |
Journal of Quantitative Anthropology | ЦБ |
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Journal of Reproductive Immunology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey | ЦБ |
Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University. Ser. A | ЛК |
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | ЛК |
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Journal of Soil Science | ЛК |
Journal of Solid State Chemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Solution Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Statistical Physics | ЦБ |
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Structural Geology | ЦБ |
Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry | ЛК |
Journal of Symbolic Computation | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology | ЦБ |
Journal of Technical Physics | ЦБ |
Journal of Theoretical Biology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of Theoretical Probability | ИМ |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | ЦБ |
Journal of Tissue Culture Methods | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Vinyl Technology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of Virology | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | ИФ |
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | ЦБ |
Journal of the American Ceramic Society | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of the American Chemical Society | ЛК |
Journal of the American Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society | ЛК |
Journal of the American Society for Information Science | ЦБ, МФШ |
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery | ИМ |
Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions I | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions II | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions I | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions II | ЛК |
Journal of the Chemical Society. Sec. A. Inorganic, Physical and Theoretical | ЛК |
Journal of the Czech Geological Society | ЦБ |
Journal of the Electrochemical Society | ЛК |
Journal of the Electrochemical Society of India | ЛК, МФШ |
Journal of the Faculty of Agricultural Hokkaido University | ЛК |
Journal of the Faculty of Science the University of Tokyo. Sec. Mathematics | ИМ |
Journal of the Geological Society | ЦБ |
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. Sect. A. Engineering and Technology | ЦБ |
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. Sect. B. Physical and Chemical Sciences | ЦБ |
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. Sect. C. Biological Sciences | ЦБ |
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications | ИМ |
Journal of the Institute of Petroleum | ЦБ |
Journal of the Institution of Chemists (India) | ЛК |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan | ИМ |
Journal of the Oil and Colour Chemists Association | ЛК |
Journal of the Operational Research Society | ИМ |
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | ЦБ |
Journal of the Research Institute for Catalysis Hokkaiolo University | ЛК |
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | ЦБ |
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | ЦБ |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society | ЦБ |
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | ЛК |
Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie | ЛК |
| |
K-Plastics und Kautschuk Zeitung | ЛК, МФШ |
Kautschuk-Gummi. Kunststoffe | ЛК, МФШ |
Kolloid Zeitschrift und Zeitschrift fur Polymer | ЦБ |
Kristall und Technik | ЦБ |
Kumamoto Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Kunststoffe | ЦБ, МФШ |
Kwartalnik Geologiczny | ЦБ |
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
| |
L`Analyse numerique et La Theorie de L`Approximation | ИМ |
L`Anthropologie | ЦБ |
La Chimica el`Industria | ЛК, МФШ |
La Recherche | ЦБ |
Laboratory Investigation | ЛК, МФШ |
Lancet | ЛК, МФШ |
Laser Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Lesnictvi | ЛК |
Lethaia | ЦБ |
Letters in Mathematical Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Library Computer Systems and equipment Review | ЦБ, МФШ |
Liebiqs Annalen Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry | ЛК |
Liebiqs Annalen der Chemie | ЛК |
Lipids | ЛК |
Lithos | ЦБ |
| |
MAN The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | ЦБ |
Macromoleculare Rapid Communications | ЛК, МФШ |
Macromolecules | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Magnetic Resonance Review | ЛК, МФШ |
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Maguar Kemiai Folyoirat | ЛК |
Maguar Kemikusok Lapja | ЛК |
Manuscripta Mathematica | ИМ |
Marine Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Markov Processes and Related Fields | ИМ |
Mass Spectrometry Bulletin | ЛК |
Mass Spectrometry Reviews | ЛК |
Matematikai Lapok | ИМ |
Materials Science and Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Mathematica | ИМ |
Mathematica Balkanica | ИМ |
Mathematica Japonica | ИМ |
Mathematica Scandinavica | ИМ |
Mathematical Biosciences | ЛК, МФШ |
Mathematical Communications | ИМ |
Mathematical Geology | ЦБ, МФШ |
Mathematical Journal of Okayama University | ИМ |
Mathematical Physics Analysis Geometry | ИМ |
Mathematical Proceedings | ИМ |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Soc. | ИМ |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | ИМ |
Mathematical Programming. Ser. A | ИМ, МФШ |
Mathematical Programming. Ser. B | ИМ, МФШ |
Mathematical Systems Theory | ИМ |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | ИМ, МФШ |
Mathematics magazine | ИМ |
Mathematics of Computation | ИМ |
Mathematiques Informatique et Sciences Humaines | ИМ |
Mathematische Annalen | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Mathematische Nachrichten | ИМ |
Mathematische Zeitschrift | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Mechanics Research Communications | ИМ, МФШ |
Mechanika Teoretyczna I stosowana | ИМ |
Mendeleev Communications | ЛК |
Mendeleev Communications | ЛК |
Menemui Matematik (Discovering Mathematics) | ИМ |
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental | ЛК, МФШ |
Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology | ЛК |
Methods of Information in Medicine | ЛК, МФШ |
Methodsing Organic Synthesis | ЛК |
Michigan Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
Microbanker | ИМ, МФШ |
Microbiological Reviews | ЛК |
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews | ЛК |
Microchemical Journal | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Microchimica Acta | ЛК |
Microelectronics Journal | ЦБ, МФШ |
Micropaleontology | ЦБ |
Microwave Journal | ИМ, МФШ |
Microwaves and RF | ИМ, МФШ |
Mikroskopie | ЛК |
Mine, Petrol, Gaze | ЦБ |
Mineralium Deposita | ЦБ |
Mineralogical Magazine | ЦБ |
Mineralogy and Petrology | ЦБ |
Mini – Micro Systems | ИМ, МФШ |
Mitteilungen der Deutsche Gesellschaft fur allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie | ЛК |
Modern Plastics | ЛК |
Modern Plastics International | ЛК |
Molecular Biology Reports | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Molecular Biology and Medicine | ЛК, МФШ |
Molecular Brain Research | ЛК, МФШ |
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Molecular Immunology | ЛК, МФШ |
Molecular Pharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
Molecular Physics | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Molecular and Cellular Biology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Molecular and General Genetics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Monatshefte fur Chemie. Chemical Mounthly | ЛК |
Monatshefte fur Chemie | ЛК |
Monatshefte fur Chemie Chemical Monthly | ЛК |
Monthly Nature | ЦБ |
Mutation Research Genetic Toxicology Testing | ЛК, МФШ |
Mutation Research Mutation Research Letters | ЛК, МФШ |
Mutation Research Reviews Genetic Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Mycologia | ЛК, МФШ |
| |
Nafta | ЛК |
Nase Liecive Rastliny | ЛК |
National Geographic | ЦБ |
Natural Product Reports | ЛК, МФШ |
Natural Resources Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
Natural Science Report of the Ochanomizu University | ИМ |
Nature | ЛК |
Nature Physics | ЦБ |
Naturwissenschaften | ЛК |
Naval Research Logistics Quarterly | ЦБ |
Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology | ЛК, МФШ |
Networks | ЦБ, МФШ |
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie | ЦБ |
Neuropharmacology | ЛК, МФШ |
New Generation Computing | ИМ |
New Journal of Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
New Scientist | ЛК, МФШ |
New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture | ЛК |
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | ЦБ |
New Zealand Journal of Zoology | ЛК |
Newsletter-Nature | ЛК |
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde | ИМ |
Nonlinearity | ИМ |
Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh | ЛК |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Pt. A | ИМ, МФШ |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Pt. B | ИМ, МФШ |
Nuclear Physics. A | ИМ, МФШ |
Nuclear Physics. B | ИМ, МФШ |
Nuclear Plant Journal | ЛК, МФШ |
Nucleic Acids Research | ЛК |
Nyovo Cimento | ЦБ |
Nyovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di fisica. A | ЦБ |
Nyovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di fisica. B | ЦБ |
Nyovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di fisica. C | ЦБ |
Nyovo Cimento. Supplemento | ЦБ |
| |
Obstetrics and Gynecology | ЛК, МФШ |
Office | ЦБ, МФШ |
Oklahoma Geology Notes | ЦБ |
Oleagineux | ЛК |
Oncogene Research | ЛК |
Optical and Quantum Electronics | ИМ, МФШ |
Optimization | ИМ |
Optimization. Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik | ИМ |
Organic Electronics | ЦБ |
Organic Geochemistry | ЦБ |
Organic Letters | ЛК |
Organic Magnetic Resonance | ЛК |
Organic Mass Spectrometry | ЛК |
Organic Preparations and Procedures International | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry | ЛК |
Organometallic Compounds | ЛК |
Organometallics | ЛК |
Osaka Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Osterreichische Chemie Zeitschrift | ЛК, МФШ |
Oxidation Communications | ЛК |
| |
PC Reports | ИМ, МФШ |
PC User | ИМ, МФШ |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments | ЦБ |
Palaeontology | ЦБ |
Paleobiology | ЦБ |
Paläontologische Zeitschrift | ЦБ |
Pattern Recognition | ИМ, МФШ |
Pedobiologia | ЛК |
Peptides | ЛК, МФШ |
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica | ИМ |
Periodicum Biologorum | ЛК |
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine | ЛК |
Pest Control | ЛК, МФШ |
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | ЛК |
Pesticide Science | ЛК, МФШ |
Pesticides | ЛК, МФШ |
Petroleum Engineer International | ЦБ, МФШ |
Pharmacokinetics | ЛК |
Pharmacological Reviews | ЛК, МФШ |
Pharmacology and Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Philosophical Magazine Letters | ЦБ |
Philosophical Magazine. 6 th ser. | ЦБ |
Philosophical Magazine. 7 th ser. | ЦБ |
Philosophical Magazine. 8 th ser. | ЦБ |
Philosophical Magazine. Ser. A | ИМ |
Philosophical Magazine. Ser. B | ИМ |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Ser. A | ИМ, МФШ |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Ser. B | ИМ, МФШ |
Phosphorus | ЦБ |
Phosphorus and Sulfur and Related Elements | ЛК, МФШ |
Photochemistry and Photobiology | ЛК |
Photosynthetica | ЦБ |
Physica | ЦБ |
Physica Scripta | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Physica Status Solidi | ЦБ |
Physica Status Solidi. Ser.A. Applied Research | ЦБ |
Physica Status Solidi. Ser.B. Basic Research | ЦБ |
Physica, Norvegica | ЦБ |
Physica. Ser. A | ЦБ |
Physica. Ser. B | ЦБ |
Physica. Ser. C | ИМ, МФШ |
Physica. Ser. D. | ИМ |
Physical Communications | ЦБ |
Physics Briefs | ЦБ |
Physics Letters. Ser. A | ЦБ |
Physics Letters. Ser. B | ЦБ |
Physics Letters. Ser. C | ЦБ |
Physics Reports | ИМ, МФШ |
Physics Reports of the Kumamoto University | ИМ |
Physics Today | ИМ |
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses | ЛК, МФШ |
Physics and Chemistry of Liquid | ЛК, МФШ |
Physics and Chemistry of Liquids an International Journal | ЛК |
Physics of Fluids | ЦБ |
Physics of Fluids. Ser. A | ЦБ |
Physics of Fluids. Ser. B | ЦБ |
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Physikalische Berichte | ЦБ |
Physikalische Zeitschrift | ЦБ |
Physiologia Plantarum | ЛК, МФШ |
Physiological Entomology | ЛК, МФШ |
Physiological Reviews | ЛК |
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology | ЛК, МФШ |
Physiologie Vegetale | ЛК |
Physiology Bohemoslovaca | ЛК |
Phytochemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Phytopatologische Zeitschrift | ЛК, МФШ |
Phytopatology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Phytoprotection | ЛК, МФШ |
Pipe Line Industry | ИМ, МФШ |
Pipeline and Gas Journal | ИМ, МФШ |
Plant Cell Reports | ЛК, МФШ |
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture | ЦБ, МФШ |
Plant Disease Reporter | ЛК |
Plant Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Plant Growth Regulation | ЦБ |
Plant Molecular Biology | ЛК |
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Plant Protection Bulletin | ЛК, МФШ |
Plant Systematics and Evolution | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Plant and Soil | ЛК |
Planta | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Plasma Physics | ЦБ |
Plasma Physics index | ЦБ |
Plasmid | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Plaste und Kautchuk | ЛК |
Plastics Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Plastics Industry News | ЛК |
Plastics Rubbers Textiles | ЛК |
Plastics Technology | ЛК |
Plastics and Rubber International | ЛК, МФШ |
Plastiques Modernes et Elastomeres | ЛК |
Plastverarbeiter | ЛК |
Platinum Metals Review | ЛК, МФШ |
Polimery | ЛК |
Polimery w Medycynie | ЛК |
Polish Journal of Chemistry | ЛК |
Polish Journal of Soil Science | ЛК |
Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne | ЛК |
Polyhedron | ЛК |
Polymer | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Polymer Bulletin | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Communications | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Composites | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Degradation and Stability | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Engineering and Science | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer International | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Journal | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Polymer News | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Photochemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer Preprints | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Polymer Science. Ser. A. Chemistry Physics | ЛК |
Polymer Science. Ser. B. Rapid Communications Reviews | ЛК |
Polymer Testing | ЛК, МФШ |
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering | ЛК |
Postepy Biochemie | ЛК |
Postepy Biologii Komorki | ЛК |
Price Report | ЦБ, МФШ |
Probability and Mathematical Statistics | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Americal Division of the Chemical Society | ЛК |
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Edinburg Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Geologists Association | ЦБ |
Proceedings of the IEEE | ИМ, МФШ |
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Ser. Chemical Sciences | ЛК |
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Ser. Mathematical Sciences | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Ser. Plant Sciences | ЛК |
Proceedings of the Japan Academy | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser.A. Mathematical Sciences | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Ser. A. Mathematical Sciences | ИМ |
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt | ИМ |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA | ЦБ, МФШ |
Proceedings of the National Museum | ЦБ |
Proceedings of the Physical Society | ЦБ |
Proceedings of the Poyal Society of Edinburg. Ser. A. Mathematics | ИМ |
Proceedings of the Poyal Society of London. Ser. A | ИМ |
Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Ser. A | ИМ |
Progress of Theoretical Physics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen | ИМ |
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences | ИМ, МФШ |
Pure and Applied Geophysics | ЦБ |
| |
Quarterly Journal of Geological Society of London | ЦБ |
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics | ИМ |
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics | ИМ, часть МФШ |
| |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics | ИМ |
Reports on Mathematical Physics | ИМ |
Reports on Progress in Physics | ЦБ |
Reviews in Anthropology | ЦБ |
Reviews in Biochemical Toxicology | ЛК, МФШ |
Reviews of Modern Physics | ЦБ |
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees | ИМ |
Ricerche di Mathematica | ИМ |
Rocks and Minerals | ЦБ, МФШ |
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics | ИМ |
| |
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics | ИМ |
SIAM Journal on Computing | ИМ |
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis | ИМ |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | ИМ |
SIAM Review | ИМ |
Saitana Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
Science Abstracts. Ser. A. Physics Abstracts | ЦБ |
Science in China. Ser.B. Chemistry | ЦБ |
Science of Computer Programming | ИМ, МФШ |
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae | ИМ |
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae | ИМ |
Scientific American | ЦБ |
Scripta Metallurgica | ИМ, МФШ |
Sedimentary Geology | ЦБ |
Sedimentology | ЦБ, МФШ |
Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics | ИМ |
Senckenbergiana Biologica | ЛК |
Senckenbergiana Lethaea | ЦБ |
Serdica Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
Serdica Bulgarica Mathematicae Publicationes | ИМ |
Serdica Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
Shaman | ЦБ |
Shrot wave Magazine | ИМ, МФШ |
Silvae Genetica | ЛК, МФШ |
Simulation | ЛК, МФШ |
Slavia Orientalis | ЦБ |
Slovenska Archeologia | ЦБ |
Society for American Archaeology | ЦБ |
Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal | ЛК |
Society of Plastics Engineers Journal | ЛК |
Software: Practice and Experience | ЦБ, МФШ |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry | ЛК |
Soil Science | ЛК |
Soil Science Society of America Journal | ЛК |
Soil Science Society of America Proceedings | ЛК |
Solar Energy | ЛК, МФШ |
Solid State Communications | ЦБ |
Sorbifolia | ЛК |
South African Mining, Coal, Gold and Base Minerals | ЦБ, МФШ |
Southern Asia Accessions List | ЦБ |
Spectrochimica Acta | ЛК |
Spectrochimica Acta. Part A | ЛК |
Spectrochimica Acta. Part B | ЛК |
Spectroscopy Letters | ИМ, МФШ |
Statistics | ЦБ |
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications | ИМ, МФШ |
Stochastics | ИМ |
Structured Programming | ИМ |
Studia Mathematica | ИМ |
Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica | ИМ |
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Biologia | ЛК |
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Chemia | ЛК |
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Ser. Mathematica | ИМ |
Studies in Applied Mathematics | ИМ |
Studii si Cercetari de Biochimie | ЛК |
Studii si Cercetari de Biologie. Ser. Biologie Vegetala | ЛК |
Studii si Cercetari de Chimie | ЛК |
Studii si Cercetari. Mathematice | ИМ |
Sulfur Letters | ЛК |
Sulphur | ЛК, МФШ |
Surface Science | ИМ, МФШ |
Surface Science Reports | ИМ, МФШ |
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift | ЛК |
Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research | ЛК |
Synthesis International Journal of Methods in Synthetic Organic Chemistry | ЛК |
Synthesis Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry | ЛК |
Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Synthetic Communications | ЛК |
Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Systematics and Biodiversity | ЛК |
Systems Analysis Modelling Symulation | ИМ |
Szigma | ИМ |
| |
Talanta | ЛК |
Task Quarterly | ИМ |
Taxon | ЛК, МФШ |
Tectonophysics | ЦБ, часть МФШ |
Tellus | ЦБ, МФШ |
Tenside – Detergents | ЛК, МФШ |
Terra | ЦБ |
Tetrahedron | ЛК |
Tetrahedron Assymmetry | ЛК |
Tetrahedron Asymmetry | ЛК |
Tetrahedron Letters | ЛК |
The American Mathematical Monthly | ИМ |
The Analyst | ЛК |
The Antiquaries Journal | ЦБ |
The Archaeological Journal | ЦБ |
The Biochemical Journal | ЛК |
The Biochemical Journal Cellular Aspects. Molecular Aspects | ЛК |
The Biological Bulletin | ЛК, МФШ |
The Computer Journal | ЦБ, МФШ |
The EMBO Journal | ЛК |
The Gardeners Chronicle | ЦБ |
The Geographical Journal | ЦБ |
The Geophysical Journal | ЦБ |
The Histochemical Journal | ЛК |
The Journal of Antibiotics | ЛК |
The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | ЛК, МФШ |
The Journal of Cell Biology | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
The Journal of Chemical Physics | ЛК |
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics | ЛК, часть, МФШ |
The Journal of Environmental Sciences | ЛК, МФШ |
The Journal of General Microbiology | ЛК, часть МФШ |
The Journal of General Physiology | ЛК |
The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology | ЛК, МФШ |
The Journal of Immunology | ЛК |
The Journal of Infections Diseases | ЛК |
The Journal of Organic Chemistry | ЛК |
The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society | ИМ |
The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science | ЛК |
The Mycologist | ЛК, МФШ |
The Palaeobotanist | ЦБ |
The Physical Review | ЦБ |
The Physical Review Letters | ЦБ |
The Physical Review. A | ЦБ |
The Physical Review. B | ЦБ |
The Physical Review. C | ЦБ |
The Physical Review. D | ЦБ |
The Physical Review. E | ЦБ |
The Plant Cell | ЛК |
The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science | ЛК |
The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
The Rocky Mountain.Journal of Mathematics | ИМ |
Theoretica Chimica Acta | ЛК, МФШ |
Theoretical Computer Science | ЦБ, МФШ |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | ЛК |
Thermochimica Acta | ЛК, МФШ |
Thin Solid Films | ЛК, МФШ |
Thorax | ЛК, МФШ |
Tidsskrift for Planteavl | ЛК |
Topology | ИМ |
Transaction Metal Chemistry | ЛК, МФШ |
Transactions and Discussions of the Faraday Society | ЛК |
Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering | ЛК, МФШ |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | ИМ, часть МФШ |
Transactions of the Faraday Society | ЛК |
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics | ИМ, МФШ |
Trends in Biochemical Sciences | ЛК |
Trends in Biotechnology | ЛК, МФШ |
Trends in Genetics | ЛК, часть МФШ |
Trends in Immunology | ЛК |
Trends in Neurosciences | ЛК, МФШ |
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences | ЛК, МФШ |
Turk Dunyasi Arastirmalari | ЦБ |
Turk Dunyasi Tarih | ЦБ |
Türk Dili | ЦБ |
Türk Kültürü | ЦБ |
Türkologiya | ЦБ |
Türksoy | ЦБ |
| |
Ultrasonics | ЛК, МФШ |
Unix Review | ИМ, МФШ |
Unix World | ИМ, МФШ |
| |
Verfahrenstechnik | ЦБ, МФШ |
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Geselschaft | ЦБ |
Vestnik Slovenskega Kemijskega Drustva | ЛК |
Virology | ЛК, МФШ |
Virus Research | ЛК, МФШ |
| |
Waves in Random Media | ИМ |
Weed Research | ЛК |
Western Folklore | ЦБ |
Wiadomosci Ecologiczny | ЛК |
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig. Ser. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche… ИМ | |
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Martin-Luther- Universitat Halle-Wittenberg. Ser. Mathematisch… | ИМ |
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Mathematisch – Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe | ИМ |
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Natur-Zuther- Universitat Halle-Wittenberg. Mathematisch…. ИМ | |
World Oil | ЛК, МФШ |
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X-ray Spectrometry | ЛК, МФШ |
Xenobiotica | ЛК, МФШ |
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Yeseri | ЦБ |
Yokohama Mathematical Journal | ИМ |
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Zastosowania Matematyki | ИМ |
Zeitschrift Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft | ЦБ |
Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Microbiologie, Morphologie… | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | ИМ |
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik | ИМ |
Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Archaologie | ЦБ |
Zeitschrift fur Chemie | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Geologische Wissenschaften | ЦБ |
Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie | ЦБ |
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie | ЛК, МФШ |
Zeitschrift fur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik | ИМ |
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Teil A. Physik und Physikalische Chemie | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Teil B | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. Teil C. Applied of Bioscience | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung Dungung und Bodenkunde | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Physik. A. Atomic Nuclei | ИМ, МФШ |
Zeitschrift fur Physik. B. Condensed Matter | ИМ, МФШ |
Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie. DDR | ЛК |
Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie. DEU | ЛК |
Zentralblatt fur Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie | ЛК |
Zeolites | ЛК, МФШ |
Zierpflanzenbau mit Internationaler Gartenbautechnik | ЛК |